Short Story

This fundraiser aims to build a foundation for success by providing essential resources for the children of Tarkwa Bay to pursue their dreams with confidence and determination. Additionally, it seeks to support premature dropouts in returning to school, ensuring that every child has the opportunity to thrive and succeed.



The Tarkwa Bay kids

by Adedolapo Salako

  • 2,000,000.00

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  • 0.00

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  • Campaign Never Ends

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Lagos, Nigeria, Nigeria

Adedolapo Salako

1 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns

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Campaign Story

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Tarkwa Bay, located in Victoria Island, Lagos, Nigeria, is a  beachfront community known for its welcoming atmosphere and the enthusiastic presence of children. Through personal conversations, it’s evident that over 80% of these children aspire to succeed in various fields. The community boasts diverse creative talents, including surfers, swimmers, footballers, and boatbuilders, all striving for a better future.

However, the inadequate financial support is a cause of concern, leading some children to drop out of school and instead, work as errand runners for tourists on the beach to afford meals. Additionally, young athletes endure discomfort during practice due to the lack of proper training gears and first aid kits. They train in saltwater without essentials like wetsuits and swimming goggles, increasing the risk of skin irritation or infections. Also, they engage in sports without necessary protective gear, such as knee pads and jerseys, heightening the likelihood of muscle dislocation. Furthermore, children involved in boat construction lack basic safety equipment, exposing them to potential health hazards from the chemicals used in the process. Moreover, the absence of healthcare facilities in the community further endangers their overall well-being.

I’m reaching out to support Tarkwa Bay’s children by funding the return of premature dropouts to school and providing training equipment for these young athletes. Limited resources hinders them from fully exploring into their potential, and this may lead these young ambitious individuals to frustration and potentially abandoning their dreams. Certainly, providing access to financial support will not only help them continue their education and eliminate discomfort during practice, but also enhance motivation, leading to increased dedication and improved abilities in their talents and creativities. This, in turn, will not only benefit their personal growth but will also help in the growth and prosperity of the community.