Short Story

Support Faith’s healing journey! Keloids are causing physical discomfort and impacting self-esteem. Your small donation makes a big impact—invest in Faith’s health and happiness. Contribute today for keloid surgery and radiotherapy costs. Thank you for making a positive difference in Faith’s life!

Keloid surgery

by Blaze68

  • 300,000.00

    Funding Goal
  • 0.00

    Funds Raised
  • 0

    Days to go
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, Nigeria


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Campaign Story

We are reaching out to you with a heartfelt appeal to support Faith on their journey towards healing. Faith is bravely facing the challenges posed by keloids, a condition characterized by the overgrowth of scar tissue beyond the original injury. These keloids can cause physical discomfort and impact one’s self-esteem.

To alleviate this burden, Faith is in need of financial assistance for keloid surgery and radiotherapy. These medical interventions are crucial to reduce the size of the keloids, alleviate pain, and improve overall well-being.

Your donation, no matter how small, can make a significant impact. It’s an investment in Faith’s health and happiness. Together, we can contribute to their journey towards recovery, allowing them to lead a more comfortable and fulfilling life.

Please consider making a donation today. Your generosity will go directly towards covering the costs of keloid surgery and radiotherapy, bringing us one step closer to the goal of healing.

Thank you for your compassion and support. Every contribution counts, and together we can make a positive difference in Faith’s life.