Short Story

Hello. I have nowhere to live with my daughter. Renting a house is very expensive. In Ukraine, it is getting harder and harder to survive. Please help me find a home!

Now I’m renting an apartment, but it’s hard to pay rent and utilities on my salary. We save on everything. And prices are rising every day. I beg you to help me. I will be glad to any, even the smallest amount. I save every penny, but I can’t do it myself and there is no one to help me.

I am divorced, my ex-husband does not help and does not want to see my daughter. I will not marry a second time, as I have suffered bullying. I believe that someone will respond. Having my own home is my dream. Please help make it happen.

Visa 4731 1856 1519 3064 Tetiana Lysenko, Ukraine.

I need housing

by Tetiana Lysenko

  • 30,000.00

    Funding Goal
  • 0.00

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  • Campaign Never Ends

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Ukraine, Ukraine

Tetiana Lysenko

1 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns

See full bio

Campaign Story

Hello. I have nowhere to live with my daughter. Renting a house is very expensive. In Ukraine, it is getting harder and harder to survive. Please help me find a home!

Now I'm renting an apartment, but it's hard to pay rent and utilities on my salary. We save on everything. And prices are rising every day. I beg you to help me. I will be glad to any, even the smallest amount.

I save every penny, but I can’t do it myself and there is no one to help me. I am divorced, my ex-husband does not help and does not want to see my daughter. I will not marry a second time, as I have suffered bullying.

I believe that someone will respond. Having my own home is my dream. Please help make it happen.

Visa 4731 1856 1519 3064 Tetiana Lysenko, Ukraine.