
Short Story

  1. Every contribution, big or small, brings us closer to making a difference. Please consider donating and be a part of the solution. Together, we can light up lives, one charged device at a time.

Help Us Light Up Lives (and Phones) in Nigeria!

by Taripretei Segu-Baghabo

  • 500,000.00

    Funding Goal
  • 0.00

    Funds Raised
  • 43

    Days to go
  • Target Date

    Campaign End Method
Raised Percent :
Minimum amount is ₦ Maximum amount is ₦ Put a valid number
Yenegoa, Bayelsa State, Nigeria

Taripretei Segu-Baghabo

1 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns

See full bio

Campaign Story

Imagine the frustration: Your phone dies, and with it, your livelihood. In Nigeria, where consistent electricity is a daily struggle, this reality cripples countless businesses and dreams. My name is Tariphex, and I’m one of the many facing this challenge. But there’s a spark of hope. With your support, I can purchase a generator and establish a mini charging station. This will provide a lifeline to individuals like myself, entrepreneurs, students, and anyone who relies on their devices for daily tasks. Here’s the impact your contribution will make: Power Up Potential: People can keep their phones and laptops charged, ensuring they can conduct business, access education, and stay connected. Fueling Futures: This initiative will create small-scale employment opportunities, empowering others in the community. A Brighter Nigeria: Together, we can combat the limitations of unreliable electricity and illuminate a path towards a more connected and thriving future. Every contribution, big or small, brings us closer to making a difference. Please consider donating and be a part of the solution. Together, we can light up lives, one charged device at a time.