
Short Story

I started this fundraiser to help raise money for a homeless family I saw on the street.

I felt so sad when I saw this family that I decided to go over and ask about their life story.

In the beginning of this families life they had a house it was a small one and not in very good condition they didn’t have enough money to pay rent and when their rent expired they were kicked out of their house and began to live on the streets and have been on the streets for two years.I was so touched that the story that I decided to open a fundraiser page to help this family in buying a new house and I hope that everyone who views this page will donate as much as they can to help this family no amount is too small.

Help the homeless

by Trisha

  • 10,000,000.00

    Funding Goal
  • 0.00

    Funds Raised
  • 0

    Days to go
  • Target Goal

    Campaign End Method
Raised Percent :
Minimum amount is ₦ Maximum amount is ₦ Put a valid number
, Nigeria


1 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns

See full bio

Campaign Story

I started this fundraiser to help raise money for a homeless family I saw on the street.

I felt so sad when I saw this family that I decided to go over and ask about their life story.

In the beginning of this families life they had a house it was a small one and not in very good condition they didn’t have enough money to pay rent and when their rent expired they were kicked out of their house and began to live on the streets and have been on the streets for two years.I was so touched that the story that I decided to open a fundraiser page to help this family in buying a new house.

I hope that everyone who views this page will donate as much as they can to help this family no amount is too small.