Short Story

John’s employer witheld his severance. Leaving his family surviving on unripe pawpaw and water. Help us provide food and legal aid.

Feed John’s Family: End Hardship from Severance Withold

by charms vince

  • 150,000.00

    Funding Goal
  • 0.00

    Funds Raised
  • 0

    Days to go
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Ogun, Nigeria

charms vince

1 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns

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Campaign Story

We are raising funds to support John and his family during a critical time caused by the unjust delay of his severance pay. This campaign has two main objectives: 1. Food Assistance: Due to the delay in receiving his severance, John and his family have faced significant financial hardship, struggling to afford basic necessities like food. Your donations will provide immediate nutritional support to ensure they have enough to eat and maintain their health during this challenging period. 2. Legal Support: Alongside immediate survival needs, funds will also help cover the costs associated with legal action against John’s employer. The severance delay is not only a financial burden but also a legal issue that requires professional intervention. Your contributions will aid in covering legal fees and other expenses involved in fighting for John’s rightful severance, helping him to navigate the complexities of employment law effectively. By contributing to this cause, you are directly impacting the well-being of John and his family, providing them with essential support and enabling them to seek justice against unfair employment practices. This support is vital for their immediate sustenance and their fight for the severance pay that John deserves. Together, we can help alleviate their current hardships and support their pursuit of a fair resolution.

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