Short Story

I’ve been practicing using ArcGis on a friend’s laptop and know how to create basic stuffs like georefencing and creating shapefiles

I would love to get my own laptop to practice more and enroll into a school for remote sensing

Empower Haruna Chloe’s Dreams: A Fundraiser for her Education and enrollment into remote sensing school

by Samantha Houton

  • 2,000,000.00

    Funding Goal
  • 0.00

    Funds Raised
  • 118

    Days to go
  • Target Goal

    Campaign End Method
Raised Percent :
Pennsylvania, United States (US)

Samantha Houton

1 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns

See full bio

Campaign Story

Hello, my name is Haruna Chloe, and I’m striving to return to school to pursue a career in remote sensing. Despite facing financial challenges , my mom’s job isn’t sufficient to cover all our needs. I’m currently working as a waiter to support myself and contribute to the family income.
I am deeply passionate about remote sensing and believe that attending school will open doors for a stable future. Creating opportunities through education is crucial for me, and I’m reaching out for support to overcome the financial barriers.
Your assistance, even through sharing, means a lot. Thank you for being part of my journey