Short Story

A Journey you need to be part of. “Born to Fly” A story about Resilience. Themes of Love, Loss and Grief.

Born to Fly

by Adetoun Akande

  • 3,000,000.00

    Funding Goal
  • 0.00

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  • 0

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Nigeria, Nigeria

Adetoun Akande

2 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns

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Campaign Story

Hi, my name is Adetoun, a Nigerian masters student studying film & tv production in metfilm school LONDON UNITED KINGDOM. and I am fundraising for my master’s project. A production of a deeply moving film titled “Born to Fly,” which explores themes of love, loss, and the resilience of the human spirit. This project is personal to me as it reflects the journey of individuals grappling with profound challenges and finding hope amidst adversity. Through “Born to Fly,” I aim to shed light on the universal human experience of coping with loss and finding solace in cherished memories.
Your generous contributions will be instrumental in bringing this powerful story to life. The funds raised will be used to cover various production expenses, including filming locations, equipment, casting, and post-production editing. Every amount contributed will directly contribute to the quality and impact of the film, allowing us to reach audiences worldwide and spark meaningful conversations about love, loss, and the resilience of the human spirit. If we get more than our budget, we will be visiting next time hospice to give back to the society.
I am deeply grateful for your support and belief in the power of storytelling to inspire empathy, understanding, and healing. Together, let us embark on this journey to share “Born to Fly” with the world and honour the courage of individuals facing life’s greatest challenges.