Short Story

It is our obsession to build a chain of bookstores across African. We envision hundreds of tiny little bookstores with see-through glass fronts, inside of each one of them contains thousands of books of different genres installed across cities and towns in various countries in Africa.


by Bookola Group

  • 4,000,000.00

    Funding Goal
  • 0.00

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  • 2069

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Lagos, Nigeria

Bookola Group

2 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns

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Campaign Story

Instead of churches and mosques why not bookstores? That was the question we asked. We dream of a continent where young people would be engrossed in the culture of reading and collecting of books. We dream of a day where books would become the center of the African social life. We strongly believe books and the whole idea of reading them have the efficacy to alter positively the way Africans conduct their affairs.  Reading has to become a basic part of the African culture. A typical workday would start with a book in hand. After work, friends and colleagues would exchange their favorite reads. Shoppers would stop at their favorite bookstores to pick up a book on their way home. Young people would meet their dates over book meetings rather than food and restaurants. Business people would have stacks of books in office libraries and happily share to associates. Books will be bestowed genuine importance and would become important to the African culture.  It is our obsession to build a chain of bookstores across African. We envision hundreds of tiny little bookstores with see-through glass fronts, inside of each one of them contains thousands of books of different genres installed across cities and towns in various countries in Africa. 500 BOOKOLA BOOKSTORES SPREAD ACROSS AFRICA IN 5 YEARS!  What is more beautiful than such an obsession for learning? Help Us Reach Our Goal. PARTNER. INVEST. DONATE. Join our cause. Let us build a #bookolabookstore in your city.