Short Story

This is a pitch to raise funds for the development of 5StarMums web-application.

5StarMums will reduce the postpartum depression rate by:
i. Helping mums develop a daily routine; so get ready to sign up to our 90 Days Challenge!
ii. Resolving this issue with little or no drug use.
iii. Building a community of deeply connected mothers of all ages.


by Favour Hamilton

  • 500,000.00

    Funding Goal
  • 0.00

    Funds Raised
  • Campaign Never Ends

    Campaign End Method
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Minimum amount is ₦ Maximum amount is ₦ Put a valid number
Lagos, Nigeria, Nigeria

Favour Hamilton

1 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns

See full bio

Campaign Story


 ‘MUM’ only 3 letters but the responsibilities attached are many
Whether you’re a ‘stay home mum’ ‘working mum’ or even a ‘work at home mum’ you wear many hats, maybe not literally.
I guess it would be nice to put a number to the hats you wear daily, only then would you realize you’re doing more than you could imagine.
And never forget, there are no sick leaves and no paid-time off


I’m Favour Hamilton the founder of 5StarMums. 5StarMums is the unique solution to the post-partum problems women face by helping mothers immerse themselves in a daily routine that will help them be better at everything. I started this company while I was jobless and living with a new mum. I was mostly surprised and frustrated  seeing her loved ones not know how to help her whilst she wore many hats.  It’s taken me 13 months to educate myself (and I continue to do so) and now I’ve been working to change the kind of future mums can have. My love for research made me carry out a survey to which I got 275 responses, so I decided to create a product to help every mum I can. No mum has to be frustrated with no support, hence my coinage of this tagline “don’t go through muming alone”

5StarMums “don’t go through muming alone”

5StarMums will reduce the postpartum depression rate by:
i. Helping mums develop a daily routine; so get ready to sign up to our 90 Days Challenge!
ii. Resolving this issue with little or no drug use.
iii. Building a community of deeply connected mothers of all ages.


As you’ve read/heard, I have done my research and validated the idea of the need of a community for mums. I am raising funds to fund the development of our web-app and hire staff. On the web-app, there will be deep connections between mothers of all ages and every mum will develop a daily routine just by signing up to our 90 days challenge.


The habits of highly successful people allow them to consistently perform behaviors that breed success. Everything from eating well to responsible spending to task completion and beyond requires habits that make such behaviors part of our daily life. Highly successful people have learned to develop good habits, and it takes discipline, courage and hard work on a daily basis to keep those habits in place. It makes perfect sense to adopt habits that will facilitate success, yet, why are some so difficult to adopt? Most people believe that habits are formed by completing a task for 21 days in a row. The 21-day myth began as a misinterpretation of Dr. Maxwell Maltz’s work on self-image. Maltz did not find that 21 days of task completion forms a habit. People wanted it to be true so much so that the idea began to grow in popularity. Since this myth is popular, and it’s true for those of us who believe it, then we can take it a notch higher and commit to a 90 days transforming journey. If you commit to 5StarMums for 90 days consistently, then you’re UNSTOPPABLE!


I serve mums of all ages. There are an estimated 2.2 billion mothers around the world right now and we need each other.


I’m ready to keep spreading this message to help MILLIONS of mums out there and making sure we don’t go through muming alone. I have an amazing reward for those who want to support You can support my efforts and take part in this campaign by:

  • Contributing to the campaign and receive the reward I crafted JUST FOR YOU!
  • Sharing this link with 3 people you know and on social media to help spread the word and help me reach my goal!

Thank you SO much for helping 5StarMums get to the next level ​